Don't Forget

by - 8:30 AM

We all have a voice and the chance to speak. But we can't always determine how well others listen. Sure, this blog started as an assignment for my writing class, but it became something more. Oftentimes we begin doing things without knowing the impact they will have. Most of the time when people think of influence, they imagine the change they can bring about in others; while this is important, the most substantial change that can occur is the enlightenment of our own lives. We can change who we are. It's easy to get caught up in wanting to influence a plethora of human beings, but in the end all you have is you. And are you happy with you? This blog became a part of me. I'm planning on continuing to verbalize my corner of the universe via my blogging body. And I'm pleased with my results. I’ll continue to live long after Writing 150 is over and far beyond the short-term acquaintances that may soon forget me. I am not forgotten as long as I remember, and what better way to recall my mangled memories than to write and read them often? 

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