Realities Better Left Forgotten

by - 11:46 PM

High school is funny. Growing up is comical. Life is hysterical. 

In high school we label others in relation to our perception of the world. As we age, we (not-so-surprisingly) discover that everything we thought we knew was remarkably ethnocentric. Yet when we encounter high school acquaintances, our original judgments of their character resurface and manifest themselves through our subconscious. We're biased because of memories that taint our viewpoint that we thought had changed. Why is it so easy to digress to moments of former misunderstanding? Relationships are complicated while also being extremely simplistic and fundamental to society.
Notes to self: If somebody labels you one way, they'll see you as that forever. They'll never see you completely for who you are, only what they perceive you to be on the outside. You can never please them. Perhaps you'll never please anybody you'd like to. Move on with it. Don't let that define you. You are exactly what you choose to be, even if nobody sees you... the real you. Don't believe what everybody says. Everybody lies. Be comfortable on your own skin or never feel comfortable. Do things you like, for you'll be criticized no matter what you do. You are worth it. Only you and God know exactly who you are, so leave them to speculate among themselves. Be strong because what they say doesn't matter; they'll never know you anyway.

The fact that we will likely never comprehend exactly who another person is is astounding. People are mysteries; we are secrets waiting to be undiscovered. There will always be something somebody doesn't know about us, however small. We simply cannot portray to somebody else every part of ourselves. But it is thrilling to be unveiled as a masterpiece in somebody else's eyes. We're all masterpieces with a history. We all have secrets. And some are better left forgotten.

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